Ship to shore
ZY Terminal can receive and deliver products through its own line of 8” and 18” which are connected to Keamari jetty to receive and deliver products from ocean liners at locations of OP I, II and DB.
We can store Petroleum products e.g PMG, Diesel, Condensate and Petroleum based chemical products such as VAM, White Spirit, Chloroform, Rubber Solvent, Solvent Oil and alcohol type products like Methanol..
Our global design and management expertise increase flexibility and continuously improves dispatches/delivery performance for bottom-line returns. ZY&Co. has the scope, depth and experience..
ZY&Co. has extensive experience in decanting of vehicles at our terminal.
We are offering and flexibility is our goal in providing customers with measureable advantages.
About Us
ZY & Co. is an Oil Storage Bulk Terminal which stepped in business in 2016. The idea behind establishing the storage terminal is to increase the storage capacity of the petrochemical products in the country and a requirement to sustain the business. This extra storage will provide backup and energy support to economic growth. The Petroleum products will also be transported up-country through our dedicated fleet.
We Offer?
Enjoy a hassle-free business solution by availing our one window solution for all your storage needs.
Customized solutions
Our facility is available as per client requirements/needs to run their business in a smooth manner.
Dedicated storage
Are you worried about your valuable product! Get our dedicated storage facility solution.
Our Vision
To become leader in Pakistan energy sector by providing state of the art terminal facilities through continual development and diversification of business processes; In handling, storage and distribution services.
Our Mission
To operate state of the art bulk cargo handling terminal nationwide by providing premium services to our business partners and making positive contributions to national economy, community and environment.